Sunday, September 26, 2010


So after the campfire which was blazing we all decided to go for a midnight swim in the full moon light lake! And because we were at a hippie farm clothing was optional, most did not wear clothes. I went with the no clothing option just so I could say I did it, purely for effect. Then I rinse off in the outside shower and head back in. Max a wonderful fun spirited school teacher who never leaves home found herself swimming naked in the lake as well! She was so funny and she made me a great late night snack, peanut butter and jelly, with raisins and banana chips yum!

I wake up about 8:30 and get to use the outhouse, it smells pretty bad! But then I knew I had some bike maintenance to do because my bike wasn't shifting properly the day before. I arrive to my bike to find a flat front. Oh well is my attitude and I get to work fixing it. I find out the same piece of glass that gave me 3, part of it is still in there! I remove it and I'm good. I shove off and all the yoga hippies are sad to see me go. They offer me to stay and food and a ride somewhere they are so sweet and as good quality of a person you will find

I start pedaling and am just amazed ad my stay at the hostel in the woods. And I was going to stay at a state park, the right decision was made once again!

I know it's about 110 to st Augustine but I'm prepared to ride into the dark. I leave about 10am and have a beautiful trip. Very scenic, still, not much traffic, nice shoulder! I stop a little here and there. Then about 2:00 the winds pick up and the clouds look dark over Jacksonville. I ride through Jacksonville and all I see is the bad parts of that city to the entire north and south. I mean really sorry for anybody that lives there but really the center 5 blocks of the entire city looked decent, what a craphole!

So I ride through some gusty winds for about two hours. Stopping after one for a subway hoagie and recharge the iPhone. I watch some football there and back on the road. Riding for another hour, then I realize I'm physically beat!!!!!  I have not much left. I curse at the wind at the top of my lungs after I'm blasted by a gust! I want to give up, pack it in and call somebody to pick me up. I curse the whole trip the whole idea, god, everyone....  This was my breaking point the worst it could get I just experienced! I pause for a moment, get it back together and see a stupid sign 24 miles to st Augustine. I knew then to quit crying like a baby, shut up, suck it up and keep pedaling! I ask got to provide me with what I need to complete this ride, I'm thinking courage and patience.  Well I'm happy to tell you I made it, without anymore outbursts either. That was some extreme physical endurance and I passed the test. Right into downtown Augustine George st to get my favorite gelati. They guy says hi how are you behind the gelato stand and i tell him the truth...haha. He feel my pain and hooks up the size of the cup! Nice!

I go outside and sit on a bench an old man just tried to steal from me. Not now old man I'm not in the mood I'm thinking, this ain't a game I'm sitting down and then you can sit on my lap if you have to but I'm sitting down! We both sit down on the tiny bench and our cheeks are touching. He is so old I dint think he can even see me and he seems startled like what is touching my leg. I say hello excuse me but I need this seat too!...haha. We end up talking and he is a good guy interested in hearing about my journey. I'm patient with him, I really really do like old people they all remind me of my grandparents who aren't in this world anymore. 

I finish my ice cream, call my mom and bitch for a minute then head the 3 miles to the campsite. I'm so exhausted physically and mentally. On the way I see some cheapo looking motels and think hmm..  I look for the crappiest looking one and see it has the cheapest price listed. That's it sold to this guy in don't feel like hooking up my tent and crap for 40$ I'll take my own shower and bed! I check in and it smells like a thousand cigarettes but I don't care, the sink doesn't work so I brush my teeth with the shower, stains all over the carpet so I walk around in flip flops I even thought about putting my sleeping bag on top of the bed but I'm so lazy at this point I don't want to unroll it!...haha  I watch some tv that only has one volume, super loud, then it's off to dream land. I don't sleep so good because my entire body was aching all night, I'm really sore. I was supposed to head to cocoa beach which is 130 miles from here but that ain't happening. I'm meeting up with Sara a friend from PA but in Orlando. I'm going to see if she can change our location to st Augustine!

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