Tuesday, September 7, 2010

before it even starts

I have been preparing for this trip for about two months. Mostly mentally but also compiling the gear and doing some 2 day training rides. But i sit here with one last full day of rest ahead of me. I'm kinda bored out of my mind right now. I want to begin but feel like thursday is the right day to do so. So the question is what do I do with my last 2 days? I know there is going to be something I will forget but at this point f-it! I just want to start! I am eager to begin this chapter of my life already certain it will shape my future in some way, but doesnt everything?


  1. Wow big E... You blowing my mind with this one... Are you flying Solo on this one? E.moss

  2. Well yes and no...I never walk alone anymore...ya feel me? But as far as the human species go I will be the only one. Ya never know who ya meet along the way though. I wouldn't be surprised if God throws some peeps in the path.

  3. Yay for the ones you meet on the road. Best ones.
