Thursday, September 9, 2010

Alone in the woods

Well not really I'm camped out behind a shed factory outside of Milford deleware. I rode 100 miles today 40 with some serious wind and I feel great. Once I got out of Philly I was seriously inspired. Plus it was trash day in west Philly and that stank. I rode route 9 from outside Wilmington. That rode was awesome huge bridge with a bike lane, nice views of the fields and glimpses at the ocean. I basically didn't eat much today but spent about 10$ on powerade. I'm camped out facing my fear of the dark but I got a sweet spot. Tomorrow I hit the beaches and prob set up on assateague somewhere. Today really could have not gone better, except the 1 hour intense stomachache...don't know where that came from. I have total confidence in that bike that me and it will arrive safely in Miami. I def packed too much food the bike is tons heavy, but it and the hills were no match for me cause I'm a beast!...haha

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