Ipod stacked...backup ipod stacked...dry goods packed...clothes packed. I havent rode in over a week on purpose. i wanted to let myself recover well, I guzzled massive amounts of powerade and water today in hopes that I wont have to drink as much tomorrow. I just hope i didnt eat too much junk food in the last week, I've kind of been packing it in. Within 3 hours I will be in tip top shape ready for this challange. I plan to ride 50% of the time standing up the first day, i gotta take it easy on the cheeks, I'm expecting alot out of them and dont want to piss them off the first day.
The last bit of fear about the unknown and camping in the dark in the middle of nowhere is diminishing and turning itself into little kid at christmas excitement. That process is amazing how its happening. I have always been scared of the freaking dark..haha I'm really grateful for my faith, i think that is the glue that keeps me together sometimes and helps me resist the urge to freak the f out.
Well thats it Im planned out and counting on the iphone to get the rest of the job done. First day i want to ride 80 and setup camp somewhere past dover delaware in the middle of nowhere, i might even make it to a tiny little beach and post up. Sleeping in a tent with a breeze blowing through on the sand listening to waves crashing is what I'm after.
So jealous. Yay for the iPhone saving the day -- again !!