Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Out of the cape and back to civilization

The cape continues. I wake up today on the southern most part of the cape accessible by car. My morning pack up routine requires fixing a flat front tire that went during the night. I get it all together rather quickly and head off at 9:30. Say by to the neighbors and try to catch the 10:00 ferry to cedar island. I get there and make it on no problem. I was worried cause I saw somewhere to call ahead for a reservation. But I talked to a local the night before and they said no it won't be a problem.  So for one the guy on a bike gets a reduced rate 3$ for the 23 mile 2.5 hour trip inland. And it's 12$ for a car and 1$ to walk on. I bonded with 2 Harley guys about seeing the world and what a gift and how beautiful it is. I liked them dudes they were rough on the outside but soft on the inside. 

I'm excited to get off the cape and back to the mainland. Ocracoke was the highlight of the cape trip for me! But I already knew this, I need people, civilization, options, city life. Not that I didn't enjoy the outer banks cause I sure did!

Off the ferry I have 40 miles to the closest town and the first 20 were through a wildlife preserve which so far was the best ride!!! Just extremely serene landscapes not a person, car, gas station in sight for 20 miles. What beauty, what peace and the wind was at my back, I wad cruising at 22mph!

I get to a redneck gas station where people talk real funny and the water tastes strange too. I spit it out and refill at the next station. Before this day is over I managed to get 5 flat tires in the front. 3 of them were kinda my fault but after the first one I checked the inside and outside of the wheel and didn't find anything. Well after the third I looked a little harder and found the mofo. A tiny piece of glass wedged in there. I managed to work it out and god managed to give me the patience to not freak the f out in the process.

At 5:30 I find a nice little coffee shop to charge up the iPhone for the night, eat up and get water. As I knew tonight I was roughing it somewhere along the road. I come out to another flat tire! But I'm fed, washed up a bit and pretty calm to fix it. I borrow some guys ear sitting outside and say 6 flat tires in one day do you believe that? We talk about the trip and he is pretty wow'd by it all. He wishes me well, i do the same and we part ways.

So I know about 6:45 to start looking for a spot to live for the night. And I stress a little bit about this process. I don't like the woods I prefer an open secluded space. I see an electric tower back off the road, and a clear oath to it and behind it. I take a look back there and dint like it anymore so I abandon the location. 2 miles down the road I find what I'm looking for. Behind the tree line is a big open space. I get back there and there is some random farm equipment, old cars, trailor, and some hill Billy shit. I think hmmm...Billy Jo bob might be pissed If he thinks I'm back here messing with his treasure. So I steak out a little spot next to the back tree line and as Sion as it gets dark I'm pretty confident Billy jojo ain't coming in here tonight I setup shop. I watch the sunset bring in my power bar and water, which is your equivalent milk and cookies snack and settle in my tent. The stars are tremendous out here and I almost contemplated dropping 80$ for a comfort in up the road. Again the right decision was made I like camping out like this and saving $ is another one of my likes...haha

Tomorrow it's a mere 75 miles to Wilmington NC where I will stay for two days with a friend of a friend. I talked to the guy I'm staying with tonight on the phone and I'm excited to meet up with him and my other friend from Wilmington. Plan is to chill and see the city and Friday hit a meeting!

This trip rocks every stinking part of it! 

1 comment:

  1. Wow 6 flats??? wtf!
    When I went on my two small bike trips (300km each) I wasn't prepared at all. I had my bike, my running shoes and my smile. That's about it. I had nothing to fix a flat nor to blow up my tires. I realize today, reading your blog, how my HP took care of me when I was riding in carefreeness!!!
    Have a good day
